About SOP


The Bijapur Lingayat District Educational Association (BLDEA) was established in the year 1910. It is a not for profit organization catering to the educational needs of under privileged children and widening educational opportunities. Promoting religious, scientific and general literature is one of the important objectives of the Association. BLDEA aims to achieve this objective by establishing schools, colleges and free student hostels for poor students. The Association with a rich history of more than a century is dedicating for multi-literary development through its wide educational and cultural institutions network.

With this momentous background, BLDEA have been striving hard to be abreast with current needs of students and its stake holders. Under the leadership of young and dynamic chap Shri. B. M. Patil (Rahul), Director, BLDEA, has started Standard Operating Procedures Cell, which laid down incredible quality procedures and bench marking for maintaining highest standards in delivering educational and life skill content to the aspiring student.

Vission:To imbibe the quality and quantity cognizant in all arena of education & research.
Mission:The establish quality bench mark in educational ecosystem through adoption of dynamic standard operating procedures.

Core Values: Consistency of quality operations enhances quality deliverables and sustainability.

Constitution SOP Cell

Sl. No Name Designation Position in the Committee
01. Dr.Ramesh N.Jeeragal Assoc.Professor and HOD, Dept.of Mechanical
Dr.P G Halakatti College of Engineering & Tech.Vijayapur
02. Prof.S H Lagali Administrative Officer, BLDEA Member
03. Prf. K G Pujari Administrative Officer, BLDEA Member
04. Shri Kiran Tigadi IT Head, BLDEA Member
05. Shri. Praveen Kotennavar Senior Accountant Member
06. Dr. S B Kamati Asst. Professor. Commerce,BHS Arts and TGP Science College Subject Expert: Arts and Languages
07. Dr. Vinay Darbi Asst. Professor.A S Patil College of Commerce (A) MBA Program Subject Expert: Commerce and Management
08. Dr. Anil Patil Asst.Professor. SB Arts and KCP Science College,Vijayapur Subject Expert: Science and Technology
09. Prof.R G Talasadar Professor (Rtd) External Member
10. Prof.SJ Goudar Principal (Rtd) External Member